Our research centre is currently active in the following areas:
Group 1: Broadband Network Technologies and Management
- Transmission Systems and Signaling in Modern Networks
- Teleconferencing and Videoconferencing
- Intelligent Networks (IN)
- Network Management & Telecommunications Software
- Advanced Switching in PSTN
- Telemedicine
Group 2: Wired and Wireless Internetworking Systems
- Mobility Management and Resource Allocation
- Data Communication Protocols for LAN, MAN and WAN
- Communication System and Network Design
- Network Security and Encryption
- Network Interfaces
- Automated Systems based on Multimedia Communications
- Convergence of cellular and data wireless networks
- Multimedia Information Encoding and Data Compression
Group 3: Communication Theory & Applications
- Software Defined Radio (SDR)
- Spread Spectrum Technologies, MIMO, OFDM
- Detection, Estimation and Information Theory
- Efficient Channel Coding and Modulation Schemes
- Synchronisation & Statistical Theory of Communication
- Digital Signal Processing and Adaptive Equalization
- Cell Planning
Group 4: Radio Science and Technologies
- Satellite Communication Subsystems and Network Design
- Radar and Navigational Systems
- Microwave Remote Sensing
- Microwave/RF Components and Circuits
- Beam-forming and Antenna Engineering
- EM Wave Propagation Modeling, Prediction and System Design
- Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility